Ffxiv Act Plugin (2024)

1. Advanced Combat Tracker -- Downloads

  • ACT Forums · FAQ · Versions · Screenshots

  • Main Program Downloads

2. ACT Setup Guide | Archon (FFXIV)

  • To do so, just navigate to your FFXIV ACT Plugin menu in the "Plugins" tab ... FFXIV ACT Plugin tab in and clicking on "Test Game Connection": testing.

  • A guide for getting started with logging encounters!

ACT Setup Guide | Archon (FFXIV)

3. FFXIV ACT Setup Guide | docs - GitHub Pages

4. FFXIV ACT FAQ | docs - GitHub Pages

  • First, check if your FFXIV plugin is the first entry in your plugins list (you can find that on ACT's Plugins tab). If it isn't move it to the top using the ...

  • FFXIV ACT OverlayPlugin documentation

5. Combat Resources - FFXIV 7.0 - AkhMorning

Combat Resources - FFXIV 7.0 - AkhMorning

6. IINACT | Advanced Combat Tracker Replacement for Final Fantasy XIV

  • IINACT can now be used as a Dalamud plugin, so it runs anywhere Dalamud does - Windows, macOS, Linux, and Steam Deck. Compatible. Compatible. IINACT works with ...

  • IINACT is a modern, open source replacement for Advanced Combat Tracker - built for Final Fantasy XIV. Compatible with Mac, Linux and Windows.

7. Plugin Release Threads - ACT Forums

  • If requesting help, make sure to mention what game you are attempting to use ACT with. ... Parsing Plugin - Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) · EQAditu 46.5K views 8 ...

  • Category for plugin release threads. Find more information about plugins that are released on the main website that don't have an alternate website.

Plugin Release Threads - ACT Forums

8. How to Download & Install ACT in FFXIV - Escapist Magazine

  • 10 apr 2024 · Finally, go to the Plugin Listing section, click on Get Plugins, then select [FFXIV+others] Overlay Plugin and click on Download and Enable.

  • There aren’t all that many mods you can choose from if you’re playing Final Fantasy XIV, but there are some that can come in very handy if you’re planning on playing it long-term. Here’s everything you need to know about downloading the Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT) mod in FFXIV.

How to Download & Install ACT in FFXIV - Escapist Magazine
Ffxiv Act Plugin (2024)


Is ACT bannable in FFXIV? ›

It is still possible to get banned for misusing or abusing ACT. Here are known examples of actions that may result in a report and ban: Mentioning ACT or information received (such as DPS numbers) from ACT to other players that don't know you and don't know that you are using ACT.

How to install ACT plugin in FFXIV? ›

Installing ACT + FFXIV Plugin. Download ACT (Discord) and run through its installer. On first run, a setup wizard will start. Follow along to select the FFXIV Plugin by clicking Get available parsing plugins , choosing (66) FFXIV Parsing Plugin from the dropdown, then clicking Use this plugin .

How do you get the act overlay in Ffxiv? ›

From the Plugin Listing tab, click on the Get Plugins... button near the upper right corner. This will open a window that will populate with available plugins for ACT. In the Get Plugins window, select the [FFXIV+others]Overlay Plugin option and click on Download and Enable .

Are Plugins allowed on ff14? ›

Square Enix' Terms of Service specifically states third-party tools that interact with or modify the games files and assets are not allowed.

Has anyone been banned for buying Gil ff14? ›

Has anyone been banned for buying gil? Is it 100% safe? None of our customers have EVER reported being banned for buying gil, nor have any of our team members been banned or contacted by Square Enix for selling gil. We do our best to maintain the privacy of all of our customers and keep a low-key operation.

What words are banned in FFXIV? ›

The following behaviors are prohibited: Using insulting words such as "stupid," "idiot," "die," "crazy," "garbage," or "trash" to offend others.

How to install ACT for FFXIV 2024? ›

Getting Started. Start by downloading ACT Here. You want the setup file at the top. Once downloaded, right click the installer and click on "Properties" swap to the compatibility tab and make sure to select "Run as Administrator" click the "Apply" button and run the installer.

What is cactbot? ›

cactbot is an ACT overlay that provides raiding tools for Final Fantasy XIV. This project is an overlay plugin for hibiyasleep's OverlayPlugin which itself is a plugin for Advanced Combat Tracker.

Where is the Ffxiv act file? ›

Go to Plugins > FFXIV Settings and look for the Log file location . The default location is %appdata%\Advanced Combat Tracker\FFXIVLogs . If you have not customized the location, you can paste this into your start menu for quick access.

How do you add an overlay in act? ›

In ACT, go to Plugins > OverlayPlugin WSServer > Stream/Local overlay. Leave all settings on their defaults (keep SSL disabled!) and click Start . Click the dropdown at the bottom of the window and select an overlay.

How does FFXIV frontline work? ›

Frontline is a PvP challenge which engages three teams of adventurers, each team representing one of the three Grand Companies. Teams consist of up to 24 players in an alliance, allowing for a grand total of 72 players in a single battle.

How to unlock Paladin in ff14? ›

In order to become a Paladin, characters must have a level 30 Gladiator and a level 15 Conjurer.

How do I install Ffxiv plugins? ›

How to install plugins. XIVLauncher supports the installation of plugins/addons made by third-party developers in-game. Open the system menu in-game by pressing escape, and then select “Dalamud Plugins” from there. You can also use the /xlplugins command in chat.

What is bannable in ff14? ›

Persistently sending messages to someone, or directed at someone, through Tell or other means, despite being asked to stop the behavior. Ambushing someone at their destination, or their housing estate, despite being asked to stop the behavior.

Can you get banned for parsing Ffxiv? ›

In FFXIV it is illegal to talk about ACT or parsing. You can google it and will find hundreds of people getting banned for mentioning someone's dps.

Will you get banned for using mods in ff14? ›

You are not going to be banned if you are not flaunting your mods/plugins out in the open with your profile revealing who you are ingame. If people have no way of reporting your character, there is no way for you to be banned.

Is Bard music player allowed in FFXIV? ›

Bard Music Player is an automated music player for playing MIDI songs in FFXIV using the Bard's Performance mode. This program allows you to automatically play pre-made MIDI songs for the in-game instrument performance feature in FFXIV.

Can you get banned for using FFlogs? ›

As long as the log was not hacked, i.e., the player used the exploit in-game, then the player will not be banned. The rank will simply be flagged. Once a code fix has happened, the rank is then removed.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.